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Securing better deals for tenants

Tenant side advisory firm

Clients we help

You, the business leaders and company owners,
decide on the right location for your enterprise.

The ideal space should be close to your clients,
represent your business values and boost employee productivity.

On top of that, you need to consider costs vs. benefits and manage your daily business.

Clients we help

Current market

The object of most of the companies in the market is to generate profit. With further decreasing vacancy and increasing demand, landlords are often keen to increase the rent levels.

Landlords contact potential clients directly or hire real estate agents to reach better numbers of their businesses.

Sometimes you can meet agents representing both landlords and tenants simultaneously. This leads to an unprofessional conflict of interests with a negative impact on your bargaining power.

Current market
Current market
About us

About us

Tesidy enters market to change the status quo and raise the position of tenants.

Tesidy is an advisory firm providing professional B2B services within commercial real estate focused on EXCLUSIVE TENANT REPRESENTATION.

Our aim is to secure the best possible terms for our clients in both legal and financial matters. We are partners to firms without distinction whether they prefer to find a new property or renew their current lease contract.

With our market expertise, innovative project processes and negotiation experiences we are able to uncover all hidden possible risks for tenants, so they can make informed decisions and leverage of our know how.

About us

Types of premises

Tesidy helps clients get the market knowledge and expertise in the field of office buildings, logistics centers or production plants and reach business goals faster and financially smarter.


Our services

All services are executed to provide maximum professionality and leverage while negotiating with landlords.






The purpose of our negotiations is to increase your savings and secure better lease terms whether you renew the current lease contract or decide to relocate.

Project process

TESIDY project process is tailor-made for each company and its needs. Searching for a new space can be increasingly complex and can get time-consuming, that´s why we set clear project steps to raise effectiveness and reach the defined project goal.

Audit of current liabilities

Audit of current liabilities

Detailed strategic planning

Detailed strategic planning

Complex market research

Complex market research

Commercial terms negotiations

Commercial terms negotiations

Definition of capacity needs

Definition of capacity needs

Stay / go analysis in “FOX” model

Stay / go analysis in “FOX” model

Lease negotiations

Lease negotiations

Post-project care

Post-project care

Our approach

„In Tesidy,
we believe tenants deserve a strong partner with expertise in commercial real estate on their side.“

Tenant-only representation ensures transparency, which we consider one of our cornerstones. The advice and guidance you receive is completely impartial. We offer a clear process with defined outputs so clients can always track our steps.

We know information privacy & data security are key contributors to our project success. The commercial real estate market in Slovakia is relatively small and landlords try to find out the key information – what is the real risk of your relocation. Tesidy secures the information management to get better terms for its clients.

Tenant-only representation gives us independence. Focus exclusively on tenants, enables us to offer clients unique service in Slovakia that delivers clear benefits for business clients.

Tenant-only representation ensures transparency, which we consider one of our cornerstones. You can be assured the advise and guidance you receive is completely impartial. We offer a clear process with defined outputs so clients can always track our steps.

We feel information Privacy & Data security are key contributors to the project success. The market is too small and landlords profit most when you sign a renewal amendment, especially when you´re under pressure. With professionals on your side, you can be sure you´re still one step ahead during negotiation.

Tenant- only representation gives us independence. By concentrating exclusively on the tenant, we’re completely objective free. Thanks to that, we negotiate hard on your behalf to get you the best possible deal.

Contact us

Tesidy s.r.o.
IČO: 51885590
DIČ: 2120826103
IČ DPH: SK2120826103

Prievozská 4D,
821 09 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic

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